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Set your goals and come back to describe their impact by October 31, 2024.

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Case Studies

Notice: As of June 1, 2023, the updated Standards of Practice will apply to all occupational therapists. The College's practice guidance documents, case studies, Q&As, and other materials are currently being updated to reflect these changes.

In case of discrepancies, please refer to the Standards of Practice, 2023 for the most current information. If you have any questions, please contact the College's Practice Resource Service [email protected].

The College promotes continued competency and education among occupational therapists by offering resources to support every day practice. See our featured case studies and scenarios with real examples to guide occupational therapists in their practice and help occupational therapists deliver safe, effective and ethical care.

Questions? Suggestions? Contact the Practice Resource Service.

Featured Case of the Month

Managing a Privacy Breach

Manuel, an occupational therapist in an outpatient clinic, has been working with a client named Daisy. As a part of his role, Manuel recommended some adaptive equipment and was helping Daisy apply for funding for the equipment. The funding organization required an electronic application form to be submitted by the occupational therapist to justify the client’s need for the item.

Manuel explained the application process to Daisy and obtained her consent to complete and submit the online form. As the form was lengthy and Manuel wanted to be efficient, he used the copy and paste function in the electronic record system and copied excerpts of the client’s information from the clinical record to paste it into the funding application. He then submitted the form through a secure online portal and kept a copy of the form in the clinical record.

Several weeks later, Manuel receives a call from the funding organization stating that there was personal health information related to another client on the form. He checks the copy in the clinical record and realizes that he has copied and pasted identifying information of another client into the form. The inadvertent disclosure of an individual’s personal information is a privacy breach.

Manuel is wondering what he should do. He contacts his manager and reviews the College’s guidance document on Privacy Legislation and Occupational Therapy Practice (

Case Archive


June 2024 (English | French)
Managing a Privacy Breach

April 2024 (English | French)
Working with OTAs in a Private Community-Based Practice

March 2024 (English | French)
Should OTs transport clients in personal vehicles?


November 2023 (English | French)
Documenting Group Interventions

September 2023 (English | French)
Can Two Occupational Therapists Provide Treatment to One Client at the Same Time?

January 2023 (English | French)
Advertising in Occupational Therapy Practice


November 2022 (English | French)
Occupational Therapists Providing Education or Training of Recommendations to Others

October 2022 (English | French)
Recording Occupational Therapy Sessions

June 2022 (English | French)
Requests from Clients to Sign Forms and Documents

May 2022 (English | French)
Managing Team Disagreements

April 2022 (English | French)
Lessons from an In-Home Assessment Complaint

March 2022 (English | French)
Providing virtual service involving other jurisdictions

February 2022
Assessing risks with a power recliner lift chair (English | French)
Considerations when recommending a power recliner lift chair (English | French)


October 2021 (English | French)
Checklist for starting a private practice

September 2021 (English | French)
What should I do when a client discloses domestic abuse?

July 2021 (English | French)
Am I practising occupational therapy?

June 2021 (English | French)
Requests for private practice follow up with clients

May 2021 (English | French)
Professional boundaries and social media

March 2021 (English | French)
Changing jobs and responsibly transferring clients

February 2021 (English | French)
Obtaining consent and substitute decision-makers

January 2021 (English | French)
Sexual abuse and mandatory reporting


October 2019 (English | French)
Electronically Scanning Client Information

May 2019 (English | French)
Succession planning for client records

February 2019 (English | French)
Working within managed resources


May 2018 (English | French)
Obtaining consent from a minor

April 2018 (English | French)
Discontinuing occupational therapy services

March 2018 (English | French)
Forms, record keeping and accountability

February 2018 (English | French)
Client suicidal ideation and privacy

January 2018 (English | French)
Obtaining informed consent for an incapable client when an SDM is not available