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Applying for Temporary or Provisional Registration

Categories of Registration

The College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO) offers three categories of registration:

  • General registration
  • Provisional registration
  • Temporary registration

Most applicants will apply for general registration with the College. General registration is issued to applicants who meet all our registration requirements. General registrants can practice without restriction.

Some applicants may have special circumstances where they need to apply to our other categories:

Provisional Registration

Provisional registration may be issued to applicants who are waiting to write the National Occupational Therapy Certification Examination (NOTCE) and have an offer of employment.

Provisional Registration Checklist

To be eligible for provisional registration, applicants must must:

       be registered for the next available sitting of the NOTCE.

        have an offer of employment where they will be supervised by an occupational therapist who has held general registration for at least one year.

        submit a completed Provisional Registration Supervision Agreement  (English | French)

        if being supervised virtually, submit a Provisional Registration Supervision Plan with the Supervision Agreement.

       successfully complete the examination within the specified timeframe.

       meet all other registration requirements.

If you meet these requirements, you can apply for provisional registration with COTO.

Learn more about provisional registration

Temporary Registration

Temporary registration may be issued to occupational therapists who are registered in:

  • another province, or
  • country,

but need to practice in Ontario on a temporary basis. Temporary registration can only be issued to occupational therapists who have an offer of employment that is no longer than 4 months in a 12-month period.

Temporary Registration Checklist

To be eligible for temporary registration, applicants must:

       hold valid registration in a jurisdiction with education and clinical requirements equivalent to those of the Ontario.

       meet the language fluency, suitability to practise, professional liability and work eligibility requirements.

       have an offer of employment that does not exceed 4 months within a 12-month period

      submit a completed Supervision Acknowledgement Form

    An occupational therapist who has had general registration in Ontario for at least one year must agree to supervise and be responsible for ensuring the provision of appropriate care for clients.

If you meet these requirements, you can apply for temporary registration with COTO.

If your offer of employment exceeds 4 months within a 12-month period, you must apply for general registration with COTO.

For more information, see: