Our Quality Assurance program

How the QA program works

We provide occupational therapists with continuous quality improvement activities that reflect evolving practice and client service expectations. 

These activities and professional learnings include:

  • Self-reflection
  • Online education
  • Competency assessment

Occupational therapists have designed our QA requirements based on our core resources. These include the Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada, the Code of Ethics, and Standards of Practice. We also use insights from research to shape the requirements. The goal is to help identify strengths and areas for development for occupational therapists.

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 requires the College to have a Quality Assurance program in order to protect the public. All occupational therapists must participate. 

You can access your QA through the COTO Portal.

QA program components

There are two main parts to the QA Program: annual requirements and competency assessment.

Annual requirements

All occupational therapists complete two annual activities:

  • Annual Learning Plan
  • Annual eLearning Module

Competency assessment

In the interest of public protection, Colleges are required to assess their registrants. The competency assessment supports growth and professional development. The assessment identifies both learning needs and areas of strength so occupational therapists can continue to apply the Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada and the Standards of Practice in their daily work. Every year, around 100 OTs are chosen to take the competency assessment

eLearning Archive

Previously known as Prescribed Regulatory Education Program (PREP) modules, the eLearning Module promotes continuous learning and the growth of knowledge, skills, and judgment. Access previous versions below.

Our approach to improvement and assessment

The approach to Quality Assurance is just as important as its processes and activities. The QA program uses seven principles with the goal of advancing occupational therapy practices to ensure competent, safe, effective, and accountable practices. These principles align with COTO’s Strategic Priorities

QA principles

Promote professional growth and continuing competence

Create processes that are objective and effective

Communicate expectations in ways that are easily understood

Make decisions that match the level of risk

Listen and adapt to changing environments

Share insights so we learn and grow together

Approaches that are collegial, timely, and sensitive

Quality Assurance policies

The activities of the College’s Quality Assurance program are directed by the Quality Assurance Program policy set out by the Quality Assurance Committee.  The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 requires the College to have a Quality Assurance program to support its mandate to protect the public.

Download the policy

English: PDF / French: PDF

If you have questions about this policy please contact:

Lesley Krempulec, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Manager, Quality Assurance Program

Relevant resources

Practice Tools

Professional Obligations


Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada, 2021


Mapping a Path to Success: Goal Setting Made Simple

Webinars & Podcasts

Mapping a Path to Success: Goal Setting Made Simple (Podcast)

Contact us for support

Get in touch with us with any questions or comments you may have.