About the College

The College is a regulatory organization that oversees the practice of occupational therapists (OTs) in Ontario. Our job is to make sure you receive safe, effective, ethical care from occupational therapists. We are a public resource.

We are here to help you and provide information so you can make decisions about your health care. We can answer questions about occupational therapists and let you know what to expect if you are receiving services.

Information about any occupational therapist in Ontario who is, or was, registered with the College is available online through our public register called Find an Occupational Therapist.

The Role of the College

The College serves the public by:

  • holding disciplinary hearings and imposing penalties when an occupational therapist breaches the standards of the profession
  • setting the education and qualifications necessary to practice occupational therapy in Ontario
  • issuing certificates of registration to occupational therapists (OTs) who have met the professional requirements, enabling them to practice
  • setting the conditions that allow occupational therapists to maintain registration
  • administering and developing mandatory quality assurance programs that help OTs keep current with practice and grow their knowledge and skills
  • developing standards of practice – the rules that occupational therapists must follow
  • investigating complaints in an open and fair manner, and
  • holding disciplinary hearings and imposing penalties when an occupational therapist breaches the standards of the profession.

Video: What is the Role of the College?

How the College Works

Authority of the College

Under Ontario law, 28 health professions, including occupational therapists, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and more, are able to self-regulate. Health regulatory Colleges carry out that authority, acting in the public interest.

In Ontario, these Colleges regulate about 300,000 health care professionals. All must follow the same types of strict regulations, policies and standards.

The College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario is one of these health regulatory Colleges. Its role and powers are set out under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and the Occupational Therapy Act, 1991.

In Ontario, the self-regulation of health care professions is a partnership with the public. Each regulatory College is run by a Board of Directors (sometimes called a Council). Every health regulatory College has certain regulatory responsibilities. College committees support public safety by ensuring that these responsibilities are carried out.

While the College was established by the Government of Ontario, it is not a part of the government or funded by the government. The College reports to various divisions of the provincial government, including the Ministry of Health and the Office of the Fairness Commissioner of Ontario.

Operations of the College

The College’s Council Board of Directors sets the strategy, and the College Registrar & CEO and staff carry out the day-to-day responsibilities.

College operations are funded entirely by registrant fees. The College is a not-for-profit organization.