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March 2021: Documenting Non-Client Sessions

Question: I work in a mental health setting.  Once a month we offer education sessions just for family members of the patients currently attending the program.  Do we have to keep a record of these sessions?

Answer: Yes. If part of your service is educating family members, there should be a record of the session where basic information is maintained. It’s a good idea to have a process to record and access this information should it be needed in the future.

You may consider keeping a record of the general information such as the purpose of the session, resources provided, session date, name of participants and any extraordinary events that occur during the session. Occupational therapists working within an organization are encouraged to check about any processes for documenting non-client session. 

If you have any questions please contact the Practice Team by phone at 416.214.1177 or 1.800.890.6570 ext. 240 or email [email protected]


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