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Notice: The 2024 Annual Learning Plan is now available in the COTO Portal.
Set your goals and come back to describe their impact by October 31, 2024.

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Nov 4, 2019

October 24, 2019 Council Highlights

Guide to Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017

The revised Guide to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 was approved and will be released later this year. Until the release, please visit the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services website for the most current information.

2019 Annual Report

The College’s 2019 Annual Report was accepted by Council and is now available online and in PDF format in French and English. The report highlights the work of the College to protect the public and instill confidence and trust by ensuring occupational therapists are competent, ethical and accountable.

Strategic Planning

Outcomes of the October 24, 2019 strategic planning session were reviewed and next steps for 2020-2023 strategic planning were discussed. A small working group of public and professional members was struck to move forward with refining material for presentation to Council in 2020. Learn about the College mission, vision and strategic priorities.