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Sep 26, 2019

Watch: "5 Tips to Complete Your PREP"

In our latest video Sonia Mistry, Quality Assurance Project Lead provides 5 tips for completing your 2019 Prescribed Regulatory Education Program (PREP): Critical Thinking and Professional Judgement Through an OT Lens. The 2019 PREP is due October 31, 2019.

5 Tips for Completing Your PREP

  1. Give yourself time. There are 119 slides and you need to spend time on each one.
  2. Ensure you have a strong consistent internet connection.
  3. Before you exit, make sure you click the logout button.
  4. Spend a minimum of 2 seconds on every single slide.
  5. If you see a green dot and the word "completed", you've met your PREP requirement.

Questions? Contact our QA Team:

[email protected]