2016-2017 Annual Report
Council approved the 2016-2017 Annual Report with amendments.
Read the report and learn how the College is working to protect and serve the public interest.
Training on Prevention of Sexual Abuse
Ruth Gallop, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Nursing & Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, spoke with Council about sexual abuse and the professional relationship. This critical training aligns with the mandate of the College Patient Relations program.
Learn more about sexual abuse prevention and College processes to address concerns.
Standards for Use of Title
Council approved the Standards for Use of Title with minor revisions. Thank you to all who provided input throughout the consultation period. Watch for the release and related education sessions later this year. The Standards will replace the Guide to Use of Title.The Guide remains in effect until the release of the Standards and is available online under
Standards and Resources.
Standards for Supervision of Support Personnel
Council approved the revised Standards for Supervision of Support Personnel for stakeholder consultation, which will begin in early 2018. The current Standards for Supervision of Support Personnel remain in effect and are
available online under Standards and Resources.
Protecting Patients Act, 2017
In June 2017, following stakeholder consultation, Council approved bylaw revisions that addressed government requirements for transparency, including
new public register requirements defined in the
Protecting Patients Act, 2017. An overview of further changes and key College initiatives related to the
Protecting Patients Act, 2017 was provided to Council.