We are working behind the scenes to prepare for the June launch of MyQA, which will replace the College's Practice Development Portal. We previously promoted an April launch, which had to be delayed. You are not required to complete any additional QA requirements before the new 2017 requirements become available in MyQA.
Access to the Practice Development Portal is now closed. You will have access to a list of your previously completed requirements in MyQA, along with a "closed" or "completed" status for each requirement.
Due Dates
Why the new timelines?
We wanted to address confusion about release dates and completion deadlines! The College is moving towards the release of all requirements (SA, PD Plan, & PREP) at the same time.
- Release of all QA requirements will match the beginning of the new College registration year
- The May 31 PD Plan due date aligns with the College’s annual renewal deadline
- The revised SA and PREP due dates will be October 31, which provides OTs with the opportunity to add any learning goals from their SA and PREP to their PD Plan for the remainder of the year. The five-month timeline from release date to due date is consistent with the time allotted for completion in previous years
- The October 31 timeline also aligns with the deadline for most OTs to update their professional liability insurance information on the College website
- The College hopes the alignment of the dates will make the process easier for registrants
Your QA Requirements
As regulated health care professionals, OTs make a commitment to continuous improvement. Once you become registered with the College you enter a life-long learning relationship to maintain your professional competency. Every OT in Ontario is required to take part in the College’s Quality Assurance Program. The program helps OTs to learn, reflect on their roles and responsibilities, and measure their knowledge and performance.
Competency Review and Evaluation (CRE) Update
OTs randomly selected to participate in both Step 1 and Step 2, have completed the process. Thank you to all OTs who provided meaningful feedback about their CRE experience. We look forward to analyzing the results and feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing CRE process and will use this information to inform future directions for program development.
Next Steps
For more information on the College’s QA Program and requirement due dates, contact Seema Sindwani, Manager, Quality Programs at 416.-214.1177/1.800.890.6570 ext. 227.
Stay tuned for more information about the launch of MyQA!