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March 31, 2016 Council Meeting Highlights

Council reviewed stakeholder feedback to proposed bylaw amendments that would require the College to publish more information on the public register (OT Directory). To help people make informed choices about their health care, the bylaw amendments proposed publishing the following outcomes issued as a result of a complaint or report:

  1. cautions-in-person (cautions),
  2. undertakings, and,
  3. specified continuing education or remediation programs (SCERPs).

Proposed changes were approved by Council and will be in effect as of January 1, 2017. To learn more about the consultation, please visit the Consultations section of the website.

Draft revisions to the Standards for Consent were reviewed and discussed by Council. The practice standard will now be circulated for stakeholder feedback.

Election of Council Executive took place following the Council meeting. Results are as follows:

  • Jane Cox, President
  • Shannon Gouchie, Vice-President
  • Winston Isaac, Member at Large, Finance
  • Jeannine Girard-Pearlman, Member at Large, Education

To learn more about College governance, visit the For the Public section of the website.

See the March 31, 2016 Council agenda on the next page.

Download the January 28, 2016 Council meeting minutes.

Council Agenda
