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Notice: The 2024 Annual Learning Plan is now available in the COTO Portal.
Set your goals and come back to describe their impact by October 31, 2024.

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Reports and Accountability


For the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario, a big part of being accountable to the public is transparency.

Transparency means being open about our processes and the reasons behind them, and providing as much information as possible about the professionals we regulate. Transparency helps people understand and be confident in our work and they can use that understanding to make informed decisions about their health care.

Public Register

Providing information to help inform choices

We provide information about occupational therapists through an online list (also called a public register) at Find an Occupational Therapist.

To learn what information is (and is not) publicly available about occupational therapists see How to Find an Occupational Therapist.

The College continues to take steps to enhance transparency, and make information easily available to the public.

Being open and honest about how we work is important to the self-regulation of health care professionals, and in the best interests of the people we serve.

Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (formerly known as Bill 87)

In December 2016, the Ontario government introduced Bill 87, the Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (PPA), which proposed significant changes to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. On May 30, 2017, the PPA was passed.

The PPA includes three main policy initiatives related to the public protection role of the College:
  1. Help improve the response of regulated health Colleges to sexual abuse complaints and mandatory reports
  2. Increase transparency in the operations of regulated health Colleges
  3. Improve the complaints and discipline processes of regulated health Colleges

The College has responded and implemented the amendments, which include the requirement to publish additional information about occupational therapists on the College’s public register at Find an Occupational Therapist.

The Protecting Patients Act is an important piece of legislation which contains amendments that strengthen the existing protections in place for Ontario patients.

Board Meeting Materials

The meetings of the College's Board of Directors are open to the public. To arrange to attend a meeting, please contact Andjelina Stanier, Executive Assistant - Executive Office.

The meeting schedule, agenda, material and highlights are all publicly available under Board Meeting Materials.

Reports to the Ministry of Health

See our reports to the Ministry to learn more about what we are doing and how the College of Occupational Therapist of Ontario works to protect the public interest.

Office of the Fairness Commissioner

In accordance with the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act2006, the Office of the Fairness Commissioner requires that each regulated profession in Ontario submit a Fair Registration Practices Report annually. See our reports with details on the College’s registration practices.