Behind the scenes, we’ve been collecting and analyzing complaints data to share learning with registrants and help improve patient experience.

The snapshot below is based on complaints by clients, caregivers, or family members in the previous fiscal year.

  • ~63% of complaints had a concern about communication. This was often related to the OT’s role, the services the OT was able to provide, appointment scheduling, etc.
  • ~85% of these complaints involved OTs doing assessments.
  • In ~28% of these cases, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) took action related to communication. This includes issuing advice and guidance or requiring the registrant to complete certain learning activities.

So far in 2023-2024:

  • In ~83% of the complaints we received, communication was a concern.
  • Most of these complaints involve OTs providing an assessment to determine eligibility for services and/or products.

Coming soon: We’ll share some communications tips that promote good practice and may help you avoid getting a complaint.