Q&As Notice

As of June 1, 2023, the updated Standards of Practice will apply to all occupational therapists. The College’s practice guidance documents, case studies, Q&As, and other materials are currently being updated to reflect these changes.

In case of discrepancies, please refer to the Standards of Practice, 2023 for the most current information. If you have any questions, please contact the College’s Practice Resource Service practice@coto.org.

Q: As an OT, can I provide documentation to confirm that a person requires a service animal for reasons relating to their disability? 

A: Yes, OTs are one of the regulated health professionals who can provide documentation to confirm that a person requires a service animal for reasons relating to their disability, as outlined in Section 80.47 of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the AODA

When an OT is providing documentation regarding a service animal, they should be aware of what the documentation should include to substantiate the need for the service animal. For example, if the OT is completing documentation for a service animal who may be travelling with a client, they should consult the Canadian Transportation Agency.

Q: What steps should an OT follow when providing documentation for a person requiring a service animal for reasons relating to their disability?

A: An OT should follow these steps when providing documentation: 

  • Determine their own competency to provide the documentation: 
    OTs need to consider their scope of practice and their own competency when determining if it is appropriate to provide documentation regarding the need for a service animal. 
  • Conduct an assessment:
    OTs should ensure an appropriate assessment has taken place in accordance with the Standards for Occupational Therapy Assessments and the need for a service animal has been documented.
  • Provide documentation of the need: 
    OTs can write a letter outlining the need for the service animal being mindful to only include personal health information necessary for the purpose of the letter.