1. Submit a concern

Complaints must be recorded and sent to the College. This can be in writing, or an audio or video recording. Complaints can also be submitted through the College’s online complaint form.

Contact investigations@coto.org for help or accommodations.

2. Confirmation

Staff from the College will call the person who made the complaint to discuss the details of the complaint.

College staff are neutral. They will listen and be in contact with both sides.

The occupational therapist will get a copy of the complaint. Any information about the complaint will be shared with the occupational therapist.

3. Investigation

All complaints are investigated. The College’s Investigations team or an external investigator will collect any relevant documents and speak to any relevant witnesses.

When the investigation is complete, all the collected information is sent to the occupational therapist so they can respond.

4. Decisions

The College’s complaints committee will review all the information and make a decision. The person who made the complaint and the occupational therapist do not attend these meetings.

The complaints committee cannot:

  • require an apology,
  • take away the occupational therapist’s license,
  • issue a monetary reward,
  • require the occupational therapist to go back and fix the issue.

For more information about decisions the committee can make, visit the Decisions page.

5. Appeals

Committee decisions can be appealed.

The person who made the complaint and occupational therapist can appeal if they do not agree with the committee’s decision. Once they receive the decision, they will get more information about how to appeal.

Check the College’s Public Register for up-to-date information about occupational therapists.

Read about our complaints process in the following languages:

Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)

Questions? Need help? Contact investigations@coto.org
Learn more at the Concerns or Complaints page.