Q&As Notice

As of June 1, 2023, the updated Standards of Practice will apply to all occupational therapists. The College’s practice guidance documents, case studies, Q&As, and other materials are currently being updated to reflect these changes.

In case of discrepancies, please refer to the Standards of Practice, 2023 for the most current information. If you have any questions, please contact the College’s Practice Resource Service practice@coto.org.

Question: Do I have to keep the appointment book that I use to book clinical sessions?

Answer: No. If the information is adequately summarized in the clinical record, the appointment book or electronic calendar can be safely and securely destroyed. If the occupational therapist thinks that it would be useful to maintain the actual book for future use, it should be stored safely and in line with the retention schedule of records (retain for 10 years). If you are part of an organization, check to see if they have any processes for the retention or destruction of this material.

For more information, please see the Standards for Record Keeping.