Who can use the title “occupational therapist”?

Titles matter in health care. Only individuals who are registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario are permitted to call themselves an “occupational therapist”, the abbreviation “OT” or any variation of these two titles.

All occupational therapists in Ontario may use the designation OT Reg. (Ont.).

Title is protected by law, and indicates to the public that individuals:

  • have met the requirements to be a member of the regulated profession of occupational therapy;
  • practice according to the standards of the profession; and
  • are accountable to the College for their conduct and practice.

It is important that patients and clients know who is delivering their care.

In choosing a registered occupational therapist (OT), the public can be assured that this professional is qualified to deliver safe and quality care.

How can you check if someone is registered?

To verify that someone is an occupational therapist, search our public register: Find an Occupational Therapist.

Only individuals who are listed and registered are qualified and able to practice occupational therapy in Ontario.

When you search the list of people under the Find an Occupational Therapist, you can view all the publicly available information about OTs who are registered, or were previously registered, with the College.

Learn more about the information available on the public register

If you know of someone who calls themselves an occupational therapist or OT and can’t find them on the public register, contact the Manager, Investigations & Resolutions.

What happens if someone is not registered (illegal practitioners)?

It is illegal in Ontario for someone to use the title “occupational therapist”, the initials “OT” or any variation if they are not registered with the College.

The College has the authority to investigate concerns regarding individuals who hold themselves out to be an occupational therapist without being registered to practice in Ontario. At the conclusion of an investigation, the College may:

  • advise the individual in question of the need to be registered with the College in order to use title;
  • issue a cease and desist order; or
  • proceed with a court injunction or prosecution.

Use of Title: What you must, must not, and may do

Title protection is one way to help the public identify occupational therapists (OTs) who are registered (licensed)and accountable for meeting the College’s accepted standards of practice.

Use this resource to make sure you are communicating your title and role correctly. Details are found in the Standards for the Use of Title. Review the Standards and be sure you are meeting the requirements.

Occupational therapists must:

  1. Use the protected title occupational therapist or the designation OT Reg. (Ont.) when providing client care.
  2. Ensure students under OT supervision use the title Student Occupational Therapist or Student OT.
  3. Ensure College applicants completing a refresher program under OT supervision use the title Candidate Occupational Therapist.
  4. Only use the title occupational therapist or the designation OT Reg. (Ont.) while registered with the College.

Occupational therapists must not:

  1. Use the title ‘doctor’ or ‘Dr.’ when providing client care.
  2. Use a title or designation that implies specialization or suggests being a specialist within occupational therapy.
  3. Use any unapproved variation or designation, such as OT (C).

Occupational therapists may:

  1. List university degrees in addition to the protected title when providing occupational therapy service.
  2. Communicate they are “practicing in” or they practice with a “focus on” a particular area of occupational therapy practice such as mental health.
  3. Use job titles in combination with the protected title or designation when delivering occupational therapy service.
  4. Use additional credentials earned through continuing education, training and/or certification when the conditions defined in the Standards are met.


Contact the College Practice Resource Service at practice@coto.org or 416-214-1177/1-800-890-6570 x240.