Get Involved with Professional Regulation

As a health regulatory College, our job is to serve the public by making sure occupational therapists are competent, ethical and accountable. Public involvement in all aspects of our work is critical and welcome.

There are many ways to get involved with the work of the College. Participating on the Citizen Advisory Group, serving on the College’s Board, or providing input to our consultations are three options detailed below.

If you have questions or other ideas, don’t hesitate to contact us at You can also share your thoughts, comments and questions through our online form.

Citizen Advisory Group

A critical partner in collaboration is the public. Through a multi-College partnership, the College seeks input and perspective through the Citizen Advisory Group (CAG). The CAG is comprised of members of the public from across the province who come together and provide their perspectives on a range of topics including professional standards, the complaints process, strategic priorities and more. Their thoughts and experiences are invaluable and provide another way to involve the public in shaping the College’s work.

Reports of the Citizen Advisory Group are publicly available online. To apply or learn more about the Citizen Advisory Group, visit

Watch the video below to learn more about the Citizen Advisory Group.

Public Directors on the College’s Board

The College is accountable to the public through our Board of Directors. The Board sets out the strategic and policy direction for the College, while a staff team led by a Registrar and Chief Executive Officer carries out the College’s day-to-day work. Meetings of the Board are open to the public. The Board is made up of:

  • occupational therapists (OTs) elected by their peers (the registrants of the College);
  • public members appointed by the provincial government; and
  • academic members appointed by the Chairs of the occupational therapy programs at five Ontario universities.

Learn how to apply for appointment as a public director through the Ontario government website:

Learn more about our Board and Committees

Open Consultations

As a part of our mandate, the College develops or revises regulations, policies, standards and practice guidelines necessary to regulate the profession.

This process often includes an amount of time where we consult with the public, members of the profession, other health regulatory colleges, professional associations and educators. The College carefully considers all feedback. Your input helps us understand the effectiveness and impact of proposed changes, and helps ensure decisions are being made in the public interest.

To receive email notice of open consultations, please send a request to with “Consultations” in the subject line.