The College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario is accountable to the public through its Board of Directors. The Board sets the strategic and policy direction for the College. It makes decisions to ensure the public receives ethical, competent care from Ontario’s occupational therapists. Based on the Board’s direction, a staff team led by the Registrar & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) carries out the College’s day-to-day work

Meetings of the Board are open to the public.

Board Directors

There are three kinds of Board Directors:

Elected Directors

These directors are registrants (occupational therapists registered with the College) who are elected to the Board by their peers. Being on the Board gives occupational therapists rewarding opportunities to contribute to both public protection and the future of the profession.

Public Directors

These directors are appointed by the provincial government.

Learn how to apply for appointment as a public director

Academic Appointees

These academic professionals are appointed by the Chairs of the occupational therapy programs at five Ontario universities.

Directors are expected to attend four full-day Board meetings every year and serve on at least one regulatory committee.

Board Competency Framework

The Board of Directors sets the College’s strategic direction. Together, its members are accountable for the College’s good governance and its mandate of public protection. Fulfilling these roles requires that Directors have the optimal mix of skills, expertise, and experiences.

This Board Competency Framework represents the ideal composition of the Board. It recognizes that the Board and its committees need to reflect the diverse populations that use occupational therapy services in Ontario. This diversity includes culture, gender, race, age, geographical setting, and practice setting.

View the Board Competency Framework

2024–2025 Board Directors

Professional Directors
Stacey Anderson (Vice-Chair)
Neelam Bal (Chair)
Christine Funk
Elizabeth Gartner
Sarah Milton 
Julie Reinhart
Tina Siemens

Public Directors

Nicholas Dzudz
Allan Freedman (Officer)
Lucia Kloosterhuis (Officer)
Vincent Samuel 
Adrian Malcolm

Academic Professional Members

Mary Egan

College Committees

As part of the College’s governance modernization, as of April 2024, COTO has reduced the overlap in membership between the Board and all our statutory committees.

The College has seven statutory (regulatory) committees. These are committees that the law requires the College to have. The College also has Board and subcommittees as needed.

Learn more about the College’s Committees and Subcommittees


Code of Conduct
Conflict of Interest Policy
Policy to Approve Agents of the College
Confidentiality Policy

To learn more about the College’s Board of Directors, please contact:

Elinor Larney, Registrar & Chief Executive Officer (CEO):

Andjelina Stanier, Executive Assistant – Executive Office:

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors sets the strategy for the College and makes decisions to ensure the public receives ethical, competent care from Ontario’s occupational therapists.

Board meetings take place four times per year. All meetings are open to the public.

To reserve a seat at a Board meeting, please contact Andjelina Stanier, Executive Assistant – Executive Office.

Board Meeting Dates

Thursday January 30, 2025 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
Thursday March 27, 2025 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
Thursday June 19, 2025 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

Le conseil d’administration est l’organe directeur de l’Ordre. Le conseil établit l’orientation stratégique de l’Ordre et prend des décisions pour veiller à ce que le public reçoive des soins responsables et compétents des ergothérapeutes de l’Ontario.

Le conseil se rencontre quatre fois par année. Toutes les réunions sont ouvertes au public.

Pour réserver une place pour assister à une des réunions, veuillez communiquer avec Andjelina Stanier, adjointe exécutive – Bureau exécutif.

Dates des réunions du conseil

Jeudi 30 janvier 2025 de 9 h à 15 h 30  
Jeudi27 mars 2025 de 9 h à 16 h 
Jeudi19 juin 2025de 9 h à 15 h 30 

Board Materials

Contact for archived copies of Board meeting materials.