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Jun 1, 2023

Updated Standards of Practice Now In Effect

Standards of Practice in effect June 1, 2023

The updated Standards of Practice are now in effect for occupational therapists in Ontario.

The updated Standards of Practice are available in English and French.

Learn about the updated Standards

As part of the ongoing work at the College, the Standards of Practice are reviewed regularly to ensure the public interest is at the forefront, the expectations for practice are clear, and evolving occupational therapy practice is considered. 

The Standards have been modernized to:

  • clarify practice expectations
  • use plain language
  • include practice competencies

Did you know?

  • For the first time, the Standards are in one document
  • The Standards have been streamlined from previously 200+ pages to now 50 pages
  • Some of the Standards are now combined (for example Professional Boundaries and Prevention of Sexual Abuse)
  • Some Standards underwent minimal revisions (Acupuncture) while others underwent greater revisions (Psychotherapy)
  • This was a significant project with extensive consultations to ensure registrants, regulators, clients, members of the public and other interested groups were heard and could provide their input.

For more information about the Standards, please reach out to our Practice Resource Service at [email protected].