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Dec 23, 2020

MCCSS Call for Applications: Independent Intake Organization (IIO) for the Ontario Autism Program (OAP)

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) has announced a call for applications (CFA) for the Independent Intake Organization (IIO) for the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). The IIO will be accountable to MCCSS for the oversight and administration of key elements of the OAP provincially and within each of the five MCCSS defined regions. With the goal of delivering a coordinated, integrated and family-centered OAP service delivery model across Ontario, key responsibilities of the IIO will include, but are not limited to:

  • Managing the intake and registration of children and youth entering the OAP, coordinating access to priority pathways and managing the provincial waitlist for core services;
  • Administering the allocation and associated reconciliation of OAP funding to families;
  • Establishing an integrated and coordinated network of service providers in each of the five MCCSS regions;
  • Employing and training Care Coordinators who will be responsible for the determination of needs process and will act as a family’s main point of contact in the OAP;
  • Promoting quality improvement, capacity-building, and scalability of OAP programs and services; and Coordinating a dispute resolution process for families.

Interested organizations are invited to submit their applications by Friday, February 26, 2021, 5PM EST.

Application submission instructions are outlined in the following documents:

Once an organization has been selected, the IIO is expected to commence operating in April 2021.

Intent to Apply

Organizations who are interested in submitting an application for the IIO role are encouraged to email [email protected] with their intent to apply and contact information for an organization representative. Emails should use the subject line: Independent Intake Organization – Intent to Apply – [Name of organization].

Organizations who send an intent to apply will have their contact email addresses added to a distribution list for information related to the IIO CFA. Note that an intent to apply is not a prerequisite to submit an application for the role of IIO to the ministry, however it will ensure that your organization receives any additional communications issued by the ministry. Note also that an intent to apply does not bind your organization to submit an application, it will only be used to assist in communications between the ministry and interested organizations.

Intent to apply emails should be submitted to the ministry by no later than January 15, 2021 at 5PM EST.

Information Sessions

MCCSS will be hosting two virtual information sessions for organizations interested in submitting an application for the IIO to outline expectations and respond to any questions regarding the application process. Please see the information below regarding the dates and times for these sessions and how to register:

  • Information Session 1: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 10-11AM EST
  • Information Session 2: Thursday, January 21, 2021 2-3PM EST

To register for a session, please email [email protected]

If you have questions regarding this CFA process, please email [email protected] with the subject line: Independent Intake Organization – Questions – [Name of organization]. Please note that any questions must be submitted by Friday, February 5, 2021, 5PM EST. To register for an information session, please e-mail with the subject line: Independent Intake Organization – Information session – [Date and name of organization]. Information on the selection process for OAP services can be found on this ministry webpage.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to families with children with special needs.