In March 2013, Ms. Hina Arora was referred to the Discipline Committee for allegations related to a third party occupational therapy assessment (the “Assessment”) and report completed by Ms. Arora in January 2011. Ms. Arora had failed to obtain adequate evidence of information to support her conclusions, had failed to administer and score a test accurately, and failed to link the results of the test to the complainant’s subjective complaints.
In addition, Ms. Arora’s report:
- failed to identify a list of functional complaints noted by the complainant,
- failed to adequately reference documentation from the complainant’s treating professionals,
- failed to address discrepancies in her objective findings compared with those reported by the client,
- failed to address the reported fluctuations in function due to pain,
- failed to document her rationale for her opinions and recommendations,
- contained inconsistencies, inaccuracies and deficiencies that could have affected the reasonableness of her conclusions.
Lastly, Ms. Arora had failed to maintain professional boundaries with the complainant and made unprofessional and disparaging remarks during the assessment.
Ms. Arora agreed to the facts of the case. At the conclusion of the hearing on May 20, 2014, a panel of the discipline Committee ordered a penalty which included the following: a reprimand, a two month suspension which would be shortened by one month if Ms. Arora successfully completed the other terms of the Order, namely:
- The successful completion of the ProBE (Professional/Problem-based Ethics) course, within twelve (12) months of the date of the Panel’s order;
- If Ms. Arora returns to occupational therapy practice then for the first three months of practice, she must practise only with the assistance of a practise monitor;
- Ms. Arora must complete a behavior based-interview (BBI) and chart review by a College peer assessor within three months of the practise monitoring; and
- Ms. Arora may not supervise occupational therapy students, provisional practising certificate holders or temporary certificate holders for two years.
In addition, Ms. Arora was ordered to pay the College costs in the amount of $1,500.00.