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In May 2024, Mr. David Kaminski was referred to the Discipline Committee for allegations of professional misconduct. An uncontested hearing was held on November 21, 2024. A panel of the Discipline Committee of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario found that Mr. Kaminski committed acts of professional misconduct by:

Paragraph 1 (Contravening, by act or omission, a standard of practice of the profession or failing to maintain the standard of practice of the profession) including the Standards for Professional Boundaries (Revised 2015);

Paragraph 4 (Engaging in misconduct of a sexual nature with someone, other than a client, i. with whom the member has a professional relationship, or ii. In relation to whom the member is in a position of authority or trust);

Paragraph 48 (Engaging in conduct or performing an act, relevant to the practice of the profession that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional); and

Paragraph 49 (Engaging in conduct that would reasonably be regarded by members as conduct unbecoming an occupational therapist).

The Panel ordered the following: 

  1.  That they accept Mr. Kaminski’s Undertaking to Resign and Never Re-Apply for registration with the College or any other Occupational Therapist Regulator in Canada.
  2. That the Registrant is required to appear before a panel of the Discipline Committee immediately following the hearing of this matter to receive a reprimand which will be delivered online via videoconference.
  3. That the Registrant is required to pay costs to the College in the amount of $15,000.00, payable over five equal monthly installments of $3,000.00, starting one month after the date of the Discipline Committee’s order with payments to continue consecutively on the same date every month thereafter until paid in full.

The Panel ordered the following: 

  1.  That they accept Mr. Kaminski’s Undertaking to Resign and Never Re-Apply for registration with the College or any other Occupational Therapist Regulator in Canada.
  2. That the Registrant is required to appear before a panel of the Discipline Committee immediately following the hearing of this matter to receive a reprimand which will be delivered online via videoconference.
  3. That the Registrant is required to pay costs to the College in the amount of $15,000.00, payable over five equal monthly installments of $3,000.00, starting one month after the date of the Discipline Committee’s order with payments to continue consecutively on the same date every month thereafter until paid in full.


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