Substantial Equivalency Assessment System (SEAS) Presentation 

An overview of the process for the assessment of educational qualifications and competencies of internationally educated occupational therapists (OTs) was delivered to the Board.  The substantial equivalency assessment system (SEAS) is centrally run by the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organizations (ACOTRO).

The SEAS program ensures consistency and efficiency in the registration of qualified applicants across Canada.

Learn about the COTO application process for internationally educated occupational therapists(opens in a new tab)

College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF)

The Board approved the completed College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) for submission to the Ministry of Health. Health regulatory colleges exist to protect the public interest. To help the public understand how well colleges are doing their job and to help continually improve accountability, transparency and oversight, all health regulatory colleges report on their work. The College CPMF submission is available for review online.

Review the 2022 COTO College Performance Measurement Framework(opens in a new tab).

District 2 Vacancy

Following the outcome of the election for District 2 in which one candidate was acclaimed, Board approved the recommendation to leave one vacancy in district 2 and proceed with proposed bylaw changes to support governance modernization. 

Approval of Academic Appointment

The Board approved the appointment of Mary Egan to the Board as the Academic Representative for a three-year term, commencing on July 1, 2023.

Terms of Reference for all College Committees

The Board approved the changes to the Committee terms of reference. Terms have been updated and revised to ensure relevancy. 

Approval of Committee Appointees

Ten professional appointments to College Committees were approved.  The ongoing contribution of Committee members is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to all registrants who put forth their names. Please watch for future opportunities to get involved with the work of the College.

Learn more about the work of College Committees(opens in a new tab).

Election of Officers

The election of Board officers was conducted. Congratulations to our new Board Executive: Teri Shackleton (Chair), Heather McFarlane (Vice-Chair), Allan Freedman (Director), and Vincent Samuel (Director).

On behalf of the Board, College Registrar Elinor Larney thanked outgoing Chair of the Board Stephanie Schurr for her leadership and contributions over the past year.

Learn about how the College works to protect the public(opens in a new tab).