Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The Board participated in an education session on Unconscious Bias, facilitated by Mona Ghiami. Sessions were also previously attended by staff and Committee members as part of the College commitment to continued learning.

Data on Occupational Therapists in Ontario and Canada

Highlights of the recent data release from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) were presented. The 2022 data pertains to numbers of occupational therapists working across the country. Of note, CIHI is starting to collect job vacancy data which emphasizes the national shortage of occupational therapists.

Good Governance

In support of the ongoing commitment to governance modernization, and governance best practices, a third-party governance assessment was conducted. This external assessment measures the Board’s effectiveness in meeting the College mandate to regulate the occupational therapy profession in the public interest. Deanna Williams of Dundee Consulting Group delivered the report and her recommendations.

2024-2027 Strategic Priorities

2024-2027 strategic priorities and updated College values were reviewed and approved. The new priorities will go into effect June 1, 2024. The priorities for the College were developed with input from the public, registrants, and other interested parties. Thank you to all who contributed. View the new priorities and updated College values.

Amendments to Fee Bylaw Approved

Following review of feedback from the 60-day public consultation, the Board approved the proposed amendments to Part 18 of the College bylaws related to fees which supports the College to increase fees up to 2% each year for five years. This year it was determined that a $15 increase will be implemented for the 2024/2025 annual renewal period. We thank registrants for their input to the consultation. A summary of key themes and comments is available on pages 99-105 of the January Board package.

Equity Perspectives and Indigenous Advisory Committees

The Equity Perspectives and Indigenous Insights Panels were formalized as two advisory committees, each with their own terms of reference. Learn how to apply to sit on a College Committee.

Learn how the College works to protect the public.