Launched in 2020, the Ministry requires all health regulatory Colleges to complete and report on the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) on an annual basis. The purpose of the CPMF is to assess how well Colleges are executing their mandate to act in the public interest.
For the 2022 CPMF, the College was asked to report on 50 measures. COTO was able to demonstrate that it met 49 measures, and partially met 1 measure.
The following measure was identified as either being partially met:
Measure/Evidence: 13.1(a) The College’s policy outlining consistent criteria for disclosure and examples of general circumstances and type of information that has been shared between the College and other relevant system partners, within the legal framework, about concerns with individuals and any results. (See report page: 50)
Requirement: Partially met
Action Item: College is currently working on developing a written policy to outline the criteria for disclosing information that will be finalized in 2022.
Highlights of 2022 Submission
- The Board approved the Skills Matrix tool that is used to assess the overall composition of the skills and competencies of the Board related to the Board Competency Framework, with the results being reported to the Board at its January meeting.
- The tool plays a key role by helping to identify gaps among the current Board and identify future Board training and development. This targeted training is in addition to the annual training received by Board and Committee members.
Additional training the Board received in 2022 include:
- Risk Management by Richard Steinecke (January 2022)
- How to Read Financial Statements by College Director of Finance (June 2022)
- Over the course of the year, the College conducted all-staff training sessions with a subject matter consultant and an external human resources (HR) review to inform next steps for HR planning.
- The Board of Directors also received diversity, equity, and inclusion education through a dedicated session.
- Greater awareness and knowledge across all staff and Board members will help to implement appropriate actions.
- The Board approved the adoption of the Ministry of Health’s Health Equity Impact Assessment tool to assist the College in integrating equity considerations into new initiatives and more detailed planning.
- As part of their eligibility, all candidates for election must complete the College’s interactive pre-election module, approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour in duration. The module provides the essential information about the College, our mandate and the roles and responsibilities of Board Directors.
- College engages with system partners and maintains cooperative and collaborative relationships with different system partners on the development of the updated Standards of Practice document and Culture, Equity, and Justice practice guidance.